Thursday, December 3, 2009

Give and you will receive

The kids and I took a little field trip today. While Daddy went into the office to do paper work we made Granola and did school at church. Our Mercy Minstry (food and clothes to those in need) had a good chuck of rolled oats and chopped Walnuts come in. I was blessed with a gallon of fake maple syrup. Something the Vermonter blood in me rejects onces it hits my pancakes. But in true frugal manner I did not turn it down. One thing I don't mind using it in is cooking and baking. BUT only the real stuff (fancy grade if I had my giving) for pancakes! SOOOO now to my point~
We packed up to headed to church to make Granola for Mercy Minstry.

Why Granola you ask? I was thinking this week about how much rain we have had lately. We have been lucky to be now into the first week of Decemeber and only had a few flakes of snow. But not all Vermonters feel this way. Like one of our homeless men who comes in on Sundays noted how he could not wait for the snow to come.I had never thought about it but it does make since now that I do. Wet is never better then dry. You can't pack the rain around your tent all snug like you can snow. He went on to tell how snow keeps the heat in but rain just makes everything moldy and wet. YUCK~!

I have been thinking since then how thankful I am to have a warm dry house to live in. I wanted to do something for those that are not so lucky. So I made Granola. May seem silly but Granola is a great camping food. Keeps well and is yummy to boot.

In just a few hours the kids and I made Seven gallons of Granola.That most likley all went out tonight at food pantry at church. It felt good to know that someones tummy would be full because of our little effort. I write this not to toot my own horn but because I love how God works.. Noah my son ask me why we were going to make Granola? I told him why and that God would bless us for doing this but that our reason for doing it was to bless others in need. Little did I know God was already working on our blessing. I smile as I write that. God is SO good and goes beyond what we even think he will just so show himself off..

Now lets backtrack to nineoclock this morning, I am on the phone with my Mother telling her how I needed butter and was on my last pound. She said Ok Lord we need some heavy cream so we can make butter. I laughed and said Yes that would be just the right thing. Then I went on to tell her about my plan to go make Granola and how I hoped Mercy Minstry got more yogurt given like they had last week because it would go great with the Granola. I hung up and went on with the day. Fast forward I am at church on the phone with our head of Mercy Minstry to tell her how much and where I had left the Granola. She said Oh great and have your Husband come by I have a case of HEAVY CREAM and YOGURT for you! I just laughed! She then went on to say if you don't mind put the rest of the yogurt in the refrigerator at church to go out tonight with the Granola. I sat in the office chair laughing.. I said God you supply all my needs.. I have countless storys of his provision to me just this week.. Rather then tell you all of them I will just list the ones I can remember..

Free Bread

Free Dog food for me and enough free cat food to bless 3 other familes.

Free Heavy cream to make yummy Butter

Free Greek Yogurt(never had it any tips and recipes welcome)

Free Cereal

Free Mittens for myself and the kids

Free Diapers

Free Jeans and top for my Daughter

Free Ten dollar gift card

Free Leappad books (shhh to go with Kids Christmas gift)

Luke 6:38

Give, and you will receive. You will be given much. Pressed down, shaken together, and running over, it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you.

Beans view is her lap running over with his blessings....


Unknown said...

If we could just always remember this, the world would be so much better. Thanks for this beautiful post.

BEAN said...
