Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Simple things

The Lord is teaching me that it is the simple things we do for people that impacks them the most. I felt lead to do something a bit diffrent today in my Blog.. Think about how you feel when someone does these things for you.

Sends you a email mid-work day just because, just to say HI thinking of you.
wanted to send a hug your way.

Text your phone with a big hug and love from me to you.

Invites you over to just hang out for no reason.

Shares their dinner table with you.

Calls you just to say hi wanted to check in.

Giving a ride to someone in need.

Mailing out a card ( yes snail mail) a art that has been lost by so many.

Most of those things take no time at all to do but warms the hearts of everyone.
I have been in minstry my whole life and it is the small things you do for people that they remember.

Galatians 5:22 (New International Version)
New International Version (NIV)
22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness

The meaning behide this verse is that all of the things that follow the word love are a result of true love. Acts of Love even small one bring so much more into someones life.
If you have a friend you are reaching out to for the Lord try doing some of these \simple things... See what happens......

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