Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Too busy to write See you after the new year..BEAN

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Christmas Treats

We are in Full Christmas mode around these here parts.
Trees Up Check!
Stockings hung with care Check!
Gifts bought and wrapped Check! (well almost)
Christmas Pictures being taken today Check!
Christmas Treatsbeing bought or cooked Check!
Christmas Treats are  one of the most highly favored things about Christmas for most people. Cookies, Candy and Chex mixs oh My!

        Some of my fondness childhood memories is of Christmas treats. The things your Mother or Grandmother would never dare cook other then in the month of December.
In our family it was and still is Chexs mix homemade of course. Sugar Cookies from a Cookie press. Children licking their Red and Green food coloring stained fingers to get the sugar off when Mom was not looking. My famous flavored Oyster Crackers which I can't tell you the recipe but I would have to kill you..Jk.. Old fashion soft Candy cane pepermint sticks. Silver bells other wise known as Hersey Kisses at my GreatGrandmothers house on Christmas eve.
Leave me a comment with your email about your favotie Christmas treat and I will email you my Oyster Cracker recipe
Beans view is sweet today

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Two reasons i'm glad I homeschool

Just two more reasons I am So Glad I homeschool my children

NJ Teacher Tells Girl to Put Away Bible During Quite Time

An 8-year-old special needs student near Boston was suspended and told to undergo a psychological evaluation after creating a drawing of Jesus on the cross that was deemed too violent.

Beans View is wondering what happen to one nation under God?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What is God's will for your life?

Life does not always go the way we plan.Good thing for us it works that way. I am so greatful God did not work out my plans in my life. Boy would my life be diffrent.

We were created by God, in His image, for a purpose.He has a specific purpose and a specific plan for your life. Jeremiah 29:11 tells us something wondeful about Gods plans for us.

"For I know the plans I have for you,’ declared the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11).

How is it that we go about finding this Good will of God for our lives?

I know a few things I have learned in my 34 short years of life here on earth. I will gladly share them with you.

First God's will is that we have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. Who died for our sins.The book of first Timothy 2:3-4 says "This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."

Second is to follow him in word and deed daily, no matter the cost to us.
.Luke 9:23 If anyone would come to me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me

Third We also need to pray and ask God to fill us with his Holy Spirit for guidance.
John 16:13a when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth...”

The bottomline is to find Gods will for your life is to Obey him everyday.

Beans view for the greatful for time God did not give me my way..

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Five Finger prayer

Here is a fun prayer tool and a challenge for you.. Try this for one week! See what happens and tell me.. I am joining you in this fun prayer tool this is also a great thing to teach kids how to pray.

Hold your hand out in front of you as you pray. Like a count down list.

1. Your thumb is nearest you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closest to you. They are the easiest to remember. To pray for our loved ones is, as C. S. Lewis once said, a 'sweet duty.'

2. Your first finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach, instruct and heal. This includes teachers, doctors, and ministers. They need support and wisdom in pointing others in the right direction. Keep them in your prayers.

3. Your middle finger is the tallest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, leaders in business and industry, and administrators. These people shape our nation and guide public opinion. They need God's guidance.( and in a side note the people we most want to give the finger too sorry had to say it)

4. Your fourth finger is our ring finger. Surprising to many is the fact that this is our weakest finger, as any piano teacher will testify. It should remind us to pray for those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. You cannot pray too much for them.

5. And lastly comes our little finger or 'pinkie' - the smallest finger of all which is where we should place ourselves in relation to God and others. As the Bible says, 'The least shall be the greatest among you.' Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself. By the time you have prayed for the other four groups, your own needs will be put into proper perspective and you will be able to pray for yourself more effectively.
Beans View for today is five easy ways to pray..

Friday, December 11, 2009

Praying for the Duggers

Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar welcomed baby 19 earlier than expected on Thursday, December 10, at University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Daughter Josie Brooklyn was born at 6:27 p.m. weighing 1lb., 6 oz.
For more infor read the post below from Discovery Channal

Pray for Health for Michelle for she is recovering from a gallstones,and a emergency c-section.

Pray for Jim Bob and the other children as they juggle life at home without Mom.

Pray for baby Josie Brooklyn for streagth and health!

Pray for Wisdom for her Mommy and Daddy as most little ones her size have many needs.

I know many do not share the same joy as I do watching and following this lovey large family but I love them! We could all use to learn a lesson from this family. Children are a blessing from God!

Beans View today is praying for this wonderful Familys new little one

Wednesday, December 9, 2009



People who don't live here in Vermont are often thankful they do not have to experience winter like we do here. But they just don't understand what they are missing out on. The beauty of a snow-covered green mountains and evergreen trees with white snow caps. The landscape is covered for winter in a soft white blanket of snow. Yes there are down falls to living in Vermont. Shorter days longer night, frozen pipes and noses. But for me the true Vermonter I love it! The first snow is always the best.

I love the way the snow glitters in the light. It reminds me of Diamonds that reflect the sunlight into rainbows that dance in the air. It is beyond me to understand how anyone could live in a place like this during winter and not believe in God the creator of all things. Each sparkling snowflake is truly unique drifting, felling, gently landing to earth to remind us of Gods love for us. Just as each snowflake was designed with care and thought. Coming in a variety of sizes and shapes not one alike so are we. ?
If God cares enough about the design of millions and millions of snowflakes that melt in your hand within seconds how much more does he care for me? Just as every snowflake is unique, every person is unique because God created them in his image. God has a plan for your life something he designed you for. He loves you so much that before you were formed in your mothers womb he had great plans for set in stone. Snowflakes are good for more than just snowshoeing and making snow­men and snowball fights. They have an important job to do. In the winter, snow acts like a blanket which protects the roots of plants and crops that will come up in the spring.Vermonters hate winters without snow. Just like God has a purpose for each snowflake that falls so does he for you. Do you know what He wants for you?

Beans View today outside her front door

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Loss,grief and Hope three words that have been in my Spirit over the past few weeks.

Loss is something we all feel at some point in our lives. We lose something that is precious to us,
and we are left with a feeling of sadness. Friends,Family even a precious earthly treasures we all hold each one dear.

Loss of any kind can be hard to bear

Grief is the feeling that a part of you has gone missing. Like limb has been ripped off from your body. You don't know what to say or do. Grief comes in different forms for everyone.

Stages of grief comes in different time frames for everyone but we all have to go Thur the same feelings.

SHOCK & DENIAL-Shock provides emotional protection from being overwhelmed all at once. Denial helps us deny the reality of the loss at some level, in order to avoid the pain.

PAIN & GUILT-As the shock wears off, it is replaced with the suffering of unbelievable pain. feelings or remorse over things you did or didn't do with your loved one will leave some full of overwhelming guilt.

ANGER :Frustration that you can not change what has happen gives way to anger

DEPRESSION: you finally realize the true magnitude of your loss, and it depresses you.
Just when your friends may think you should be getting on with your life, a long period of sad reflection will likely overtake you.

Breathing Again: As you begin to adjust to life without the one you loss.Your "depression" begins to lift slightly. You can breath again

REBUILDING-As you become more functional, your mind starts working again, and you will find yourself seeking real solutions to problems posed by life without your loved one.

ACCEPTANCE & HOPE:Acceptance does not necessarily mean instant happiness. But you will find a way forward. but Hope is one thing I long to see in times of grief. Sadly this is one stage not everyone can go Thur the same way.

I am sadden by how people suffer loss with no hope in the end. There is a certain loneliness that can never be filled. Ultimately the condition of Life and Death is one that can be only be filled with the Spirit of God. A Friend of mine often uses this pharse "We all have a God size hole in our hearts."Grief and loss cause us to feel that hole more then other times in life. Those of us who have our hearts full of his spirit have hope. Those who do not sadly are left without hope.

Beans view today Glad for my hope sad for those who don't share in the same

Psalm 31:24 (New Century Version)
24 All you who put your hope in the Lord be strong and brave.

Monday, December 7, 2009

I will not be Silent

Heard this pharse today that I fell head over heels for.

I will not be Silent about that Silent Night!

Yesterday was the first Sunday of Advent. Our Church foucsed on the symbols of Christmas and how we tell the story of Advent to others. I wanted to take this post and talk about this Advent Season. Adevnt (from the Latin word adventus meaning "coming") is a season observed in many Western Christian Churches, a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. I find it fitting that we often use the phrase "As bad as the Christmas itch" when Advent means coming. As a child I can remember standing in my Grandparents bathroom on Christmas morning waiting to go see what Santa had given me. I can even now remember the feeling of knowing something was coming..(Side note My Mom made us go to the bathroom before going out to see our gifts for fear we would pee ourselves. Oh wise mother) We spent most all of our Christmas's at my Grandparents house. My Grandfather loved to get us worked up before bed on Christmas eve. He would have us to the point we would lie in bed frozen in fear to move or Santa would not come if he knew we would awake. The feeling of something Coming.. Advent! What a wonderful feeling!
How Mary must have felt those 9 months she carried Jesus. Knowing that growing inside her was the Savoir the world had been waiting for! Advent! As the Christmas Itch grows in your house take the time to remember what it is that Christmas means. The time we remember when God came to the earth in the form of a little baby. As you go to get your Tree this year remember the promise in Isaiah 11:1: "A shoot will spring forth from the stump of Jesse, and a branch out of his roots."

Remember the As you see the lights on houses remember the star they shined in the sky to lead the Wisemen to where the Savoir laided. As you see Candy canes remember the Sheperds who watched their flocks at night as the Angels sang Glory to God in the highest!Don'twalkinSilence about that Silent night when God came to earth in the form of a man. As you think of what to your loved ones this season tell then about the greatest gift ever given! Jesus the reason for the season!

Beans view this Advent Season is I will not be Silent about that Silent Night our Savoir was born!
Luke 2:1-20.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Give and you will receive

The kids and I took a little field trip today. While Daddy went into the office to do paper work we made Granola and did school at church. Our Mercy Minstry (food and clothes to those in need) had a good chuck of rolled oats and chopped Walnuts come in. I was blessed with a gallon of fake maple syrup. Something the Vermonter blood in me rejects onces it hits my pancakes. But in true frugal manner I did not turn it down. One thing I don't mind using it in is cooking and baking. BUT only the real stuff (fancy grade if I had my giving) for pancakes! SOOOO now to my point~
We packed up to headed to church to make Granola for Mercy Minstry.

Why Granola you ask? I was thinking this week about how much rain we have had lately. We have been lucky to be now into the first week of Decemeber and only had a few flakes of snow. But not all Vermonters feel this way. Like one of our homeless men who comes in on Sundays noted how he could not wait for the snow to come.I had never thought about it but it does make since now that I do. Wet is never better then dry. You can't pack the rain around your tent all snug like you can snow. He went on to tell how snow keeps the heat in but rain just makes everything moldy and wet. YUCK~!

I have been thinking since then how thankful I am to have a warm dry house to live in. I wanted to do something for those that are not so lucky. So I made Granola. May seem silly but Granola is a great camping food. Keeps well and is yummy to boot.

In just a few hours the kids and I made Seven gallons of Granola.That most likley all went out tonight at food pantry at church. It felt good to know that someones tummy would be full because of our little effort. I write this not to toot my own horn but because I love how God works.. Noah my son ask me why we were going to make Granola? I told him why and that God would bless us for doing this but that our reason for doing it was to bless others in need. Little did I know God was already working on our blessing. I smile as I write that. God is SO good and goes beyond what we even think he will just so show himself off..

Now lets backtrack to nineoclock this morning, I am on the phone with my Mother telling her how I needed butter and was on my last pound. She said Ok Lord we need some heavy cream so we can make butter. I laughed and said Yes that would be just the right thing. Then I went on to tell her about my plan to go make Granola and how I hoped Mercy Minstry got more yogurt given like they had last week because it would go great with the Granola. I hung up and went on with the day. Fast forward I am at church on the phone with our head of Mercy Minstry to tell her how much and where I had left the Granola. She said Oh great and have your Husband come by I have a case of HEAVY CREAM and YOGURT for you! I just laughed! She then went on to say if you don't mind put the rest of the yogurt in the refrigerator at church to go out tonight with the Granola. I sat in the office chair laughing.. I said God you supply all my needs.. I have countless storys of his provision to me just this week.. Rather then tell you all of them I will just list the ones I can remember..

Free Bread

Free Dog food for me and enough free cat food to bless 3 other familes.

Free Heavy cream to make yummy Butter

Free Greek Yogurt(never had it any tips and recipes welcome)

Free Cereal

Free Mittens for myself and the kids

Free Diapers

Free Jeans and top for my Daughter

Free Ten dollar gift card

Free Leappad books (shhh to go with Kids Christmas gift)

Luke 6:38

Give, and you will receive. You will be given much. Pressed down, shaken together, and running over, it will spill into your lap. The way you give to others is the way God will give to you.

Beans view is her lap running over with his blessings....

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Update on Baby LaRue

Wanted to pass on the update i recived from LaRues Mommy Rachel

Thank you - we came home today, just g a minute to check the blog stuff. She is home on meds and has a long road ahead of her for a full recovery, at least that is what we are praying for. We have no idea what her future will hold - I just know that the week was filled with endless miracles of God's grace at this time.

To read more about Baby LaRue and updates visit her Mommys blog


Bean loves when her view is Gods healing power being shown in his people!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Change of view

I could not sleep last night.. I laided in bed tossing and turning.... Looking out my bedroom window at the night sky. I kept thinking it looks like it could snow. The sky was all dark gloomly gray.
Maybe it is just me but I do my best thinking on nights like that.
Everyone else is in the house still... kinda of reminds me of the 'Twas the night before Christmas. When all through the house Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

I often lay in bed at night and do my best talking with God. I pray for family and friends.Give God my two cents on his plan and how I think it is going.( never works out well) Sometimes I almost think I can hear him laughing at my plans. As i chart then in detail out to him. He always brings me back to his word and I( most of the time) throw in the towel and stick with his plan. After all he has been doing this a lot longer then I.

Last night my thoughts were for a few friends who are hurting, lost and alone. I grived for them.Was angry at them for getting to the place in life they are. Then I charted out to God all the things he needed to do to fix them. And then in the darkness of my bedroom where the only thing that was stirring was my Spirit. God showed me something I did not want to see. I came to understand that to me they were broken, off the right path, but to them they were fine.

Can't fix what is not broken? God remined me that he won't fix them until they see their sin and ask for fixen. I am still not sure I like Gods plans. This week I have seen what happens when you lose hope and give up. You have no reason to live.

So for Now Beans view has changed not praying for them to be fixed but praying they will see their broken...

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Please pray

A fellow blogger posted this and I wanted to share it......Thankshttp://newlifeonahomestead.com for letting my share this.

I feel led to post this prayer request because I would hope that if this was my child somebody would pray for us as well. I am asking that you please take a moment right now to say a prayer for our friend Rachel and her baby. She is a loyal reader, and comments often, so you guys may be familiar with her.
A few days ago her and her children were in a terrible car accident. A big semi truck plowed into them, and sent them tumbling down a bank. They were all hurt, but the one they are the most worried about is baby LaRue. She’s 6 weeks old. The accident left her with a really bad bump on her head. While in the hospital for observation she’s begun having seizures.
Please pray for this precious baby girl, that her recovery is swift and complete. My heart just goes out to Rachel. I can’t even imagine her panic. Please pray for Rachel, that she is given peace in knowing that the Lord is good, and He is there. Pray for the whole family, that they have strength through such an incredibly scary time, and for the injuries of everyone involved.
You can read the whole story, and see pic’s and updates at her blog: We Shall Mount Up With Wings. Please let her know that her family and baby LaRue are in your prayers. Let’s surround this beautiful mother with hope and encouragement.

Friday, November 27, 2009


As I write this my heart is heavy. I found out last night that a childhood friend attempted to take his own life. He is currently on life support. Last I heard there was little hope that he would make it long.

Hope .............How sad to live without hope.............How sad to come to the place spiritaul that you have no hope to live.

Hope is a belief in a positive outcome related to events and circumstance in one's life. Hope is the feeling that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best.

As I laided in bed last night I said to my husband"How sad to live without hope."
Then I thought how is it that we lose hope? Give up or give in how every you like to say it.
So I turned to the hope in my life the never changing true word of God.
If ever they was a man who had a right to give up hope it was Job.

The book of Job in brief, the book begins with an introduction to Job's character — he is described as a blessed man who lives righteously. The Devil challenges Job's integrity, proposing to God that Job serves him simply because of the "hedge" with which God protects him. God progressively removes that protection, allowing Satan to take his wealth, his children, and his physical health and to thereby tempt Job to curse God. However, despite his desolation, he does not curse God's name or accuse God of injustice but rather seeks an explanation or an account of his wrongdoing.

Job was a man who did not lose hope!

Job 8 (New Century Version)
13 That is what will happen to those who forget God; the hope of the wicked will be gone. 14 What they hope in is easily broken; what they trust is like a spider's web. 15 They lean on the spider's web, but it breaks.They grab it, but it does not hold up.

Job did not lose hope because he did not forget who God was. He had hope not in his earthly life but rather in heavnly one to come.

So how does one lose hope?

When we hope in things like spider's web that easily break. My heart and spirit are sadden that my friend hoped in spider webs rather then his heavenly Father who's heart is breaking right along with us.

My hope is that thur all this saddness others who are hoping in Spider webs will grab on to the unbreakble, unchangble God who gives us Hope that last when everything else breaks.

Beans view today is dim for her friend but bright for the hope I hold on to.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Give Thanks

1 Chronicles 16:8-13 (New Century Version)
8 Give thanks to the Lord and pray to him. Tell the nations what he has done. 9 Sing to him; sing praises to him. Tell about all his miracles. 10 Be glad that you are his; let those who seek the Lord be happy. 11 Depend on the Lord and his strength; always go to him for help. 12 Remember the miracles he has done, his wonders, and his decisions. 13 You are the descendants of his servant, Israel; you are the children of Jacob, his chosen people

As I thought about my Thanksgiving Post this week I went over in my head what I was thankful for?And who I was thankful to.

First Thanks be to God for the countless miracles he has done this year in my life.

I started this year thinking I was losing a baby as rivers of blood rushed from me and I spent the next 8 weeks on bed rest. But Thanks be to God I hold in my arms Riley Kristopher a who will someday be a Valent Fellower of Christ as his name procliams.

I am thankful for each breath I breathe even when they are painful. Sometimes I think the pain is a reminder that I am alive. Dead people don't feel pain..

Even with all my health problems I have faced this year looking back I am thankful for Gods hand in it all and each lesson I have learned or faith that was built in me and my family and friends. God sees the big picture his word tells me his plans are for Good and I am countinuing to believe and stand on that!

My heart is over run with Thanksgiving for a Husband who loves me more then I am worthy. Children that lay in bed with me and lay hands on me and pray health for their mother! I thankful for my Parents and Brothers and Sisters( inlaws too) and Church family that cleaned my house, homeschooled my kids, fed my husband and kids real food. Reminded me of Who my God is and what he is able to do. The list is to long of prayers and hands that held us thur this year. Without them The list this year would have been very diffrent. Thank you.

Beans view is full of Thanksgiving and praises..

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Normal people?

Normal what is it?

Who defines it?

Is there such a thing as normal people?

Do I know any normal people?

Am I normal?

Questions about this term normal have come to me over and over again the past few weeks. I went to winkipendia to see what it said about this term Normal. Here is the link if you want to read the whole page...


"In behavior, normal refers to a lack of significant deviation from the average. The phrase "not normal" is often applied in a negative sense (asserting that someone or some situation is improper, sick, etc.) Abnormality varies greatly in how pleasant or unpleasant this is for other people. The Oxford English Dictionary defines "normal" as 'conforming to a standard'. "

So normal people don't deviate from the average people? Normal people according to this conform to a standard.

Ok so this brings up two new question for us to ask.

Do I have to be average to be normal then?

And who set it and what is the standard for normal?

Bean is wondering what is your view is on Normal?

Monday, November 23, 2009

Braggin on my LIttle Sister... Check her stuff out

Picture of my son Riley taken by Crabigail

My Baby sister who is no baby anymore takes my breath away with her wonderful eye for photography!It is a God given gift! She is self taught and has been told by old hat pros that she blows some pros pants off... love you Stinkerbell.. for today enjoy her view not mine BEAN


Want to Win a gift?

Need a free Christmas gift for a child in your life?!!
Go to one of my Fav blogs to read
and read her post about how to win a NEW Crayola Color Explosion Glow Dome!
It looks like a fun toy for kids of all ages and it looks really cool!Christmas is just around the corner and I am sure we all could use a free gift!,

The Crayola Color Explosion Glow Dome is sure to bring wide-eyed wonder to kids’ faces when the lights go out and they watch their artwork glow and spin on a moving, two-layered dome of light. Kids control the “glow-motion” fun and can dial up slow, medium or warp speed to create a wild, animated scene. For ages six and up; suggested retail price is $29.99.
Crayola is also hosting the Give The Gift Of Creativity Sweepstakes where you can enter to win a 7-night Caribbean cruise for a family of four on Royal Caribbean’s Oasis of the Seas. Check it out HERE! http://www.crayola.com/gifts/vacation/home.cfm

Good luck! Bean like to view free stuff

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Are you preparded?

What a cool thing I came across.. Thanks http://newlifeonahomestead.com/!

http://preparednesspantry.blogspot.com/ has this wonderful tool to log inventory of your pantry and also be able to shop for needs so you are always ready in Emergencys. You can log in how many people you fed in your house hold. Be able to better set goals for food storage this new year and your goals for your familys needs. Nursing Moms need more calories per day so keep that in mind if you are bf. Children and Adults have diffrent needs too. Maybe your like me and live with or have Diabetes or some type of dietary guidlines. Those with dietary guidelines will have greater needs for proper food during an Emergency.What a cool tool to help us plan and spend less tobe able to met our familys needs in a Emergency. I live in vermont and history has show that with in a matter of hours you can be trapped in your house because of a good old New England Nor'Easter storm. Better Safe then sorry...
Beans View today is What do I need to stock up on?
Gift Card Giveaway">


My Husband and oldest Son just left to go help My Father(also Our Pastor)Move tables and chairs for our Church Thanksgiving Dinner tonight. This is a dinner our church has been hosting for 25 years. We have all the fixings of Thanksgiving served. Homemade Rolls with homemade butter, Peas & Carrots, Homemade Stuffing ,Squash and Mash potatoes with REAL gravy,Pickles and pie.

NOTE pickles and pie are not served together..

The Head of our Mercy Minstry(food and clothes)heads up the dinner. She had been working for months on gathering Turkeys I believe around 30 are being cook as i write.
100s of pds of veggies and even giving out apples to be cooked into yummy homemade New England Apple pie.

Everyone in our church body takes part in this dinner. The doors open at 5 pm but long before that our body has been in the doors. You see unlike alot of Church Thanksgiving dinners this dinner is not for our body. Yes we all come and enjoy the yummy homemade treats that were made in love. But I was thinking this morning as my Son and I talked about him serving tonight.

What my favoite part of this dinner is? Its not the Stuffing(which I love!) Or the Apple pie!

So why do I love it so much? Its a few things.. Let me draw you a picture of what my view will be tonight.

As soon as I walk up the side walk I see men and woman with children lined up waiting for the doors to open. The aroma of Thanksgiving is in the air even if it kinda smells like smoke,beer and sometimes unbathed people. But still Thanksgiving lingers thicker then the gravy cooking inside. I walk thur the door greeted by one of our men minding the door for the night. As I pass the kicthen I see many busy hands at work loading food into hot boxes to be sent upstairs.
When I walk in the Worship Center I see not chairs lined in neat rows but rather tables and chairs to seat about 500 thankful people. Then I will see men and woman of all walks of life in aprons with spoons in hand ready to fill the some 500 plus people plates that will shortly be lined up. As the doors open people filing in with smiling beaming. As I write I can picture one of the homeless mens who loves pickles. Each year always asking if he can have a extra pickle. Or the little dirty faces of little boys and girls as they grab just one more piece of pie.Or the Moms who say thank you so much to each people who serves them.

The aroma of Thanksgiving is my favotie thing about tonights dinner. It runs off those we serve like water coming out of a cool spring. The terms meaning aroma fragrance, and scent, are used primarily by the food and cosmetic industry to describe a pleasant odor.

I think the reason I love this dinner so much is because I don't often smell the aroma of thankgiving in our world.

When the Colonists gave thanks to God for rain after a two-month drought in 1623 that was the aroma of Thanksgiving. True Thanksgiving is being Thankful for Gods providing for your family. Most of us will sit down at a table this week with our family and eat way to much food. Watch football until we fall asleep on the couch.Maybe visit some family far away but will the aroma of Thanksgiving fill your house?

I am Thankful that tonight I get to sit at a table or spoon up mash potatoes to someone who oozes the Aroma of Thankgiving.

Thankfulness, Gratitude, or appreciation is a positive emotion or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will receive.

What Aroma will fill your house this Thanksgiving?
Thankful for My view today BEAN

Friday, November 20, 2009

Chocolate,Marmite Toast,and English Tea OH My?

Chocolate,Marmite Toast and English Tea OH My?

We have this lovely young lady in our Church Body from the UK. She lives as I learned last night near Christpher Robin and Pooh old stomping grounds! The kids just loved that! She has joined our small group on Thrusday nights. She came last night with a few English treats for us To quote her "For us Crazy Peanut Butter loving Americans to try!" For those luckier then I who have never tried Marmite it is made from yeast extract, a by-product of beer brewing, and is suitable for vegetarians and vegans[1].The British version of the product is a sticky, dark brown paste with a distinctive, powerful flavour, which is extremely salty and savoury with umami qualities, somewhat comparable to soy sauce. This distinctive taste is reflected in the British company's marketing slogan: "Love it or hate it."

Well some of us at small group loved it then there was me.. Which I found funny because My Dh tellls me all the time I use to much salt! But this blacklish brown sticky stuff on my toast was not complment for the fine English black tea and Yummy Cadbury Milk Chocolate! This peanut butter loving American was thinking yea some Peter pan with this would be just the thing! One of the young men that is in our small group said something that hit me funny last night. He said as he took a bite of his Marmite and toast,: My Jaw is not use to the new taste yet. I think I need to eat more before I know if I like it or not.

Marmites slogan is "your love it or hate it "

But somethings in life are not that easy. Sometimes it takes a while to see your true feelings about new flavors. I am not just talking about Marmite on toast or Peanut butter on Toast. But Sometimes God may give us a spiritual bite into the mouth of our hearts. We may spit it out right away and say like i did to the Marmite OH my thats to salty! Or we may ask for more the warm sweet goodness like Chocolate and English Tea. But sometimes we have to take more then one bite to understand our feelings. Chew on it think about how it taste.Think about how it settles in our gut. How often has Gods word tasted like a big spoonful of salt but after awhile it settles in our spirit. Maybe Just maybe we will see the goodness and long for more. FACT you die for a lack of salt before a lack of water! I was thinking as I was laying in bed tasting the Marmite roll around in my gut. Gods word is like that sometimes it tastes like salt and in the end is better for us but often we long for sweet water which taste good but won't keep us well in the long run.


6"Blessed arethose who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

Righteousness is one of those salty bites God feeds us. Right Living?

The reward for of Right Living may be sweet but the first few bits are bitter and salty to swollow. I think the young man last night said it best. I need to eat more of this before I know if I like it or not. So next time God puts a salty bit into your mouth take a few more bites before spit it out. You may grow to like it..

Will I try Marmite again? Maybe... Thats Beans View for today

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A man has to work to eat

A few weeks ago my Mother took my kids apple picking. Noah who is a big strong six year old boy was strugglingto pull the wagon full of crisp fall apples up the orchard hill. After stoping to rest his wise Grandmother told him that a man has to work if he wants to eat. You like to eat don't you she asked? He replied oh yea I love to eat and started pulling the wagon up the hill.

Those words have come back to me alot this week. Having our family go from two incomes to once since i have been sick has been a struggle to make ends meet. I have been cooking more homemade things for two reeasons really one is it cheaper and two i am not working so i have more time to cook thur out the day. But as always I have been blessed with free food from our mercy minstry at church. This week I have gotten 6 quarts of heavy cream which i made homemade butter with and put up and one that was made into whip cream that we had with pudding we had gotten from our food shelve. It was a yummy treat! The Butter making was a little work the kids and i passed around a jar and took turns shaking it until yummy fresh butter we enjoyed with warm homemade butter milk (which was taken from the heavy cream) biscuits. The kids enjoyed making the butter it was tons of fun! We also recived a bag full of carrots. They were the biggest carrots i have ever seen! But they were yummy with mayple syrup on them and homemade butter! After thinking about how easyit was to peel and cook up the 5 freezer quart bags of carrots i called our head of mercy minstry and said do you still have carrots? She said yes she had been given 700pds in all and was over run with them still and i could have a 50 pd bag if i wished.. I thought wow thats alot of work but a man (or woman)has to work if he wants to eat. So guess what i will be doing for the next few days? Anyone got any good carrot recipes? I am thankful For God funny ways of providing for my family. Anyone who said free food was easy never looked at a 50 pd bag of carrots in their kicthen floor... thats my view for today..

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Needy people

I filled out a survay on myspace a few days age and one of the ? made me start thinking about something...... My childhood.

It was alot diffrent then most of my friends growing up.

My Dad was and is a Pastor all thou he did have outside jobs when I was growing up from a truck driver to a plumer, to a salesman. Not sure if I missed any but one thing is for sure no matter what job he was doing to put food on the table he was aways preaching to someone about something somewhere... My Mothers tells me I am just like him, not a bad trait to have been passed on and I am not alone. All us Gantts tend to preach from time to time even my mother... Back on track sorry just like my Dad I tend to get off my notes. The ? in myspace was have I ever had a room-mate?... I laughed and said the better ? for me is have you ever not had a room-mate. Let me give you a picture of how I grew up. Some of my first memorys as a child is my family always having people over. My mom was always helping out someone with something. My Dad was always bring someone home who needed food or shelter of some kind. Mom would add a little water to the soup and welcome them with open arms. When I was real young my Brother Bryan was my room-mate. We shared alot of hotel beds and pop up camper cots. We always had some lost son on our couch. A daughter of a church lady ( not Dana Carter either) who was going to be out of the states for a year shared my room with me. My Sister in law lived with us before my Brother and her got married for a year. She and I shared a room.

Then there was Donna who is still my room mate only I moved out of my parents house and she never did. Donna has been my room mate on and off since I was around 8 years old. My sister from a diffrent Mister,, and Mama. . I am greatful to my parents for open doors and arms. They taught me one of the greatest lessons that All I have in life is not mine but Gods. If i see others in need i must met that need to the best i can and ask God to do the rest i can't. Give my coat to a brother who is cold, " My parents always met the needs of the needy. This word Needy keeps coming to my mind. In this day in which we live there are many needy in this world. Homeless, Jobless, No family, No one to care if they live or die. I am thankful that my parents taught me this lesson.. Matthew 25:34 -36

Then the King will say to those on his right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.'.......

Who is needy in your communtiy? Are you looking or looking away?

What are you able to do about it? Do you have extra coats ?boots ?hats? Gloves? Food? Add some water to the soup and invite someone for dinner.

Why are you not meeting a need? Pride?Fear? Lazy?

I am fearful that the needs of us and those around us are only going to grow greateras time passes us. What kind of lesson will you teach your children? Thanks Beans view for today..

Monday, October 26, 2009

Losing it..

I lost it last night... What was it I lost.. I am still trying to sort that out.. Faith? Foucs? Understanding? My Mind? Peace?
As I sat on the couch with my little new born next to me wanting his Mama to love on him. While I was stuggling to eat squash which was in a soup like state. I lost it! In the middle of stuggling to get a full breath and pain shooting thur me it came out. What came out suprised me. No it can be that. The more I cried the more i knew what it was. I made my way upstairs to sleep.. Maybe sleep would help. I laid my head on my pillow only to hear Riley cry. He woke up just as i laid him down. I punched the pillow. Sleep will have to wait i wispered in frustration. I picked him up and begin to nusrse him. It rose up once again in me. I should not have to stuggle to sit up and hold my baby. As i laided in the dark with Riley at my breast and Wayne by my side tears begin to rolled down my face. Was it fear? Maybe..... I laided in silence my face wet from the uncontrolble tears that fell to my pillow. I have to say I am not a crier. I don't cry at sad movies or halmark adds. I rarely cry at death inless it very close to me. So i always wonder and what is really going on with me when i do cry. I did fall asleep last night to the sounds of Rileys heart beating next to mine and the touch of My husbands arms around me and the help of some meds to help me relax. Sleep may have happend but rest did not. I woke up still in a state of unrest. Fear was that what was coming out of me? It Surprised me. Not me the woman who trust God for everything. I know who my God is and what he is able to do. I know he is the God who moves mountiaons and cast them into the sea. I think i felt a little like the people felt before crossing the red sea. They had seen the mighting things God had done to save them but yet fear must have been in their hearts as they stood before the red sea and the Armey of Egyptians riding up behide them. How was it they were able to step into the sea without fear? What was it that made them able? I was reminded today what the book of Hebrews says. It talks about what it was that made them able... One Word... Faith... The Message writes it this way.. Hebrews 1-2 The fundamental fact of existence is that this trust in God, this faith, is the firm foundation under everything that makes life worth living. It's our handle on what we can't see. The act of faith is what distinguished our ancestors, set them above the crowd. It goes on to talk about faith being what made the Noah able to built a ship in the middle of dry land. It was Faith that made barren Sarah was able to become pregnant. it was By Faith that the the Israelites marched around the walls of Jericho for seven days and the walls fell flat. It was Faith. Hebrews 11: 32-40 in the Message says this: I could go on and on, but I've run out of time. There are so many more— Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, the prophets....Through acts of faith, they toppled kingdoms, made justice work, took the promises for themselves. They were protected from lions, fires, and sword thrusts, turned disadvantage to advantage, won battles, routed alien armies. Women received their loved ones back from the dead. There were those who, under torture, refused to give in and go free, preferring something better: resurrection. Others braved abuse and whips, and, yes, chains and dungeons. We have stories of those who were stoned, sawed in two, murdered in cold blood; stories of vagrants wandering the earth in animal skins, homeless, friendless, powerless—the world didn't deserve them!—making their way as best they could on the cruel edges of the world. Not one of these people, even though their lives of faith were exemplary, got their hands on what was promised. God had a better plan for us: that their faith and our faith would come together to make one completed whole, their lives of faith not complete apart from ours. As I woke up this moring I came to understand that it was not fear that over came me it was losing my faith that made me fearful. Not believing that even thou i can not see the end or even tommrow it would be ok. Wayne said to me last night.. It will be ok Honey, I snapped back to him How do you know? He smiled and said because I know God has good things planned for us. I have said to him and others that it is not the end of all this i am worried about it is the going thur part. Not being able to see what is next. I know in my knower that God is able to shut the mouths of Lions I am just afaird of facing the Lion. SO as my hubby would say I need to pull up my boot straps and jump in to the Lions den. Boots on, Staps pulled up and facing the Lion Den... Beans words for the day..

I feel a little like Peter today..

Peter the Friend of Jesus who wanted so very much to trust Jesus to Believe Jesus but his flesh always got in the way.

I feel like Peter today and well truth be known alot of days. I feel like Peter standing on the egde of the boat one foot in the boat and the other ready to touch the waters below.
Matthew 14:22-31 We read this story of Jesus and Peter. 25 During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear. 27But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." 28"Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." 29"Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 3 0But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"

Doubt is a funny thing.. You can say to your self and others you have no doubt that God is who he says he is but when you like Peter have one foot in the boat and the other one half in the water doubt comes. Who was it that Peter Doubted? Himself? No because he knew he was not able to walk on water before this night what would have changed? He was just a fishermen. That it was reallyJesus out on the water? I think that before he got out of the boat he doubted it was Jesus voice he was hearing.. Verse 28 says "And Peter answered Him, Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water"

We are so much like Peter in that way.. If thats you Lord talking to me then command me to step out in faith! Do something I have never done before! Tell me that is you i am hearing and not myself!Give me a sign! There is no need for faith when we have a sign that it is the right thing to do. But what happen after Peter knew it was Jesus? What happen when his feet hit the water and he begin to walk on water! Something he knew he was not able to do! A leap of Faith! He stank..... What happen that made Peter sink? Verse 30 says But when he perceived and felt the strong wind, he was frightened, and as he began to sink, he cried out, Lord, save me [from death]! Peter looked at what was going on around him and not at Jesus. I don't think Peter doubted Jesus because he asked him to save him. So this tells me that Peter did not doubt who Jesus was or what he was able to do but rather what Peter was able to do with him. He did not trust Jesus to enable him to walk on water.. To Do the thing he had never thought possbile before. I have felt a little like Peter on the boat out in the middle of the water in the dark. One foot on the boat the other just about to touch the water.. I am sure Peters thoughts were like mine.. Can i do this? This thing that I never dreamed Possbile? A pharse has been in my Spirit all week.. Trust me I am able to do all things.

The thing Peter and I forgot were that it is us that are not able to do anything.. It is he that is in us that is greater then anything in the world. We are made able to do all things thur him.

I go back once again to John 15 verse 7 "If you remain in me and follow my teachings, you can ask anything you want, and it will be given to you."

Ok feet out of the boat... Listening to your voice.. What next?

God inclining his ear to me

A few weeks ago we learned in Sunday school about us inclining our ear to God and he would Incline his ear to us.

The term or the act of inclining ones ear means to, bending forward or lean toward where ever the noise is. Pay attention to the person talking to you. Really Listen to what they are saying.. Not just listen but Hear what they are saying.

How often did we hear as children Are you HEARING what i am saying? We often don't incline our ears to each other never mind God? But do we really understand that he is always inclining his ear to us?
Sure when we pray we know he hears us but the ? I have today is do we understand that his ear is always inclined to us even when we are not praying. Or course we know GOd knows all things at all times but does he really HEAR to me all the time? What am I getting at is I think we forget that GOd is with us all the time. Watching Listening to our everyday life. He hears the whispers or our heart in the dark of the night. He sees our heart break when no one else can thur our fake smile.He hears the soft thought that passes thur our mind.

God sees us and hears us even when we are not talking to him.

Yes God wants us to incline our ear to him because what he has to say to us is Life changing!!! He is speaking to us and we need to HEAR him not just listen like it is white noise in the back ground.

I had this moment yesterday morning not a prayer not even a spoken word but a passing thought about Dog food.. Silly huh..? I open the door to the bin where we store our Dogs food. I scooped it out and saw it was low.. Great! We are going to need to buy Dog food i thought. Which for those of you who don't have pets Dog food is not cheap! And besides 2 weeks I have been our of work since June! SO money is not growing on trees around here.. So my mind and heart yesterday was thinking Great $30 bucks for dog food!.. But my God was inclining his ear to me.

Wayne calls me just a few hours later.. Hey honey this lady i work with just gave me 3 big bags of Dog food for us! And also 4 bags of Cat food for your mom.. There is a story behide why she had it and why she was getting rit of it. but no need to get into that.. It was a GOd thing.. He heard my heart because he was inclining his ear to me because he loves me so much to not just met the needs of me but bless me enough to be able to bless others too.. when I am weak he is So strong...


Yesterday was the first day of fall..
Maybe you missed it but right before your eyes a season changed.. As I laided in bed last night trying to stop my mind so i could get a few winks before Riley was looking for milk from me once again, The thought came to me that it was the first day of fall. A season change.
I love fall, Lived in Vermont most of my life. Where to me there is no better place to be during Fall then the green mountions that turn a wonderful rainbow of reds and yellow with a hint of golden browns as sunshine hits the leafs. One of my favotie pass times is to sit outside in the fall with a hot cup of tea and just smell the air. Crips and clear, with Apples and Pumkins armoas all around. Hay rides under a harvest moon wraped in blankets next to your love and bomfires to warm you with Hot Cider in hand. I love fall.. but it like all season change. I remember a chat i had with Mikki Earle this summer at camp. She said Robyn God has a Well under you. I can hear it when you talk about your teaching the kids here she said. I smiled it was just what i needed to hear.I shared with her about how i felt pretty dry the last year. Overwalmed with a pregancy that was not easy and two other kids to homeschool and childcare to run and a house and husband to take care of. She reasured me that it was just a season and that I had a whole life ahead of me. That she had been where i was at and it would change just like season do. That God was not done with me yet. My heart was so glad to hear those words. I was taken back to that bench in my bed last night. It was if God was saying Robyn this is just a season and it will change. So i started to think about why we have Fall? Everything turns brown and dies. Go to sleep for winter months. But after Fall has turned into winter the ice and snow will melt and spring comes.. New life.... What we miss is that during the fall and winter months new life is laying benether the earth waiting to spring forth! Without Fall and Winter the new life of spring would never come. We would never even know there was a spring! In the fall we harvest the Gardens cut back the vines and trees.. To perpare for Spring and all the new life it brings.. John 15 says 1 "I am the true vine; my Father is the gardener. 2 He cuts off every branch of mine that does not produce fruit. And he trims and cleans every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce even more fruit.3 You are already clean because of the words I have spoken to you. 4 Remain in me, and I will remain in you. A branch cannot produce fruit alone but must remain in the vine. In the same way, you cannot produce fruit alone but must remain in me. 5 "I am the vine, and you are the branches. If any remain in me and I remain in them, they produce much fruit. But without me they can do nothing. 6 If any do not remain in me, they are like a branch that is thrown away and then dies. People pick up dead branches, throw them into the fire, and burn them.7 If you remain in me and follow my teachings, you can ask anything you want, and it will be given to you.8 You should produce much fruit and show that you are my followers, which brings glory to my Father.9 I loved you as the Father loved me. Now remain in my love.10 I have obeyed my Father's commands, and I remain in his love. In the same way, if you obey my commands, you will remain in my love. 11 I have told you these things so that you can have the same joy I have and so that your joy will be the fullest possible joy. My joy is going to remain full because i know that even thou this season I am in is dark and full of cold days. I have a hope of Spring in my life. I sat on the bed this moring with my daughter who is full of fear for her Mommy. I said Honey God knows what he is doing and he loves me more then you do. He loves you and Noah and Riley and Daddy more then I do. He is taking care of us. He knows what he is doing. We will just have to trust him during this season. Soon we will look back and see what God was doing in this. Trust me when i say right now this is in my heart and mind but i know over the next few weeks I may need to go back and read this again to remind myself that this too shell pass. Its just a season and God has more for me to do. A well is not dug to dry up but rather to supply water during spring to fed rthe seeds that are planted to bring new life. I believe that after all is said in done I will see new life from this. God knows what he is doing and that is where my hope lays. I hope as you go into this fall season you will remember these words... It may be fall and winter may be coming but Spring is just around the corner Peace and Love BEAN......

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jesus in my Cheese Toast

It is stuff like this that gives us a bad name.. By us i mean Christians. First i want to state you should click onto the link below and watch about the woman in Nc who found the face of JEsus in her cheese toast. That is right Jesus in cheese toast. 


Ok now that we are done with that crazy clip lets move on to why i think this is SO crazy.. 
I do first want to state that My God is able to do all things and that some things he does we can not wrap our human minds around and reason but i also have to state at the same time that i believe God does all things for a reason he always has a plan at work... So i guess this is where i can not see the reason he would show up in my breakfast toast or any other food i am going to eat.. It just seems nuts to me.. Picture this God and Jesus sitting in the throne room around 7am on a monday morning.. Hey Son you know that Lady down there she needs to know you are always with her. Lets put your face on her toast and see if she can see you.. Kinda like Where is Waldo books..

You see when i look at this piece of cheese toast all i see is a good snack to eat gone to waste to mold in a Tupperware dish beside this lady's bed NOT a reminder of my Jesus being with me all the time.. It kinda of dumbs down my Jesus in a way.. How does Jesus remind us that he is with us if not in our Cheese toast!?!? Try looking out the window at the wonderful world he made to have fellowship with us forever! How about taking a breathe!!! In and out , in and out air moving thru my lungs is a reminder that Jesus is with me giving me life each moment! How about picking up his word! Reading how he says he will never leave us or forsake us.. In all my years of Bible reading i have never read oh and be on the watch out i may show up in your cheese toast!! The whole earth is looking for a sign that Jesus is real! Well stop looking at your toast and know that he is alive and well sitting at the right hand of the Father not talking about who's toast or potato chip or any other food idem to show his face but rather making intercession for us. Reminding the Devil that even thou we are a lost and dead world, We are made alive because he came to our world as a man and died so that we could be set free from our Sin! He is reminding the Father that even thou most of us tend to be like this woman in NC and think we need Jesus to show his face in our breakfast that he died for her too.. I guess the bottom line is for me that the Jesus i know is more powerful to raise the dead heal the sick and deliver the possessed by evil that he does not need to show his power in my cheese toast!!! ok off the soap box for now.. All this talk of cheese toast has made me want some.. Off to snack and no i won;t be looking for JEsus in it.. I know right where he is and it is not in my toast but rather my heart... R